How Long Does it Take to Lose Belly Fat?
One of the most common questions on the fitness and nutrition forums that I go on is, "How long does it take to lose belly fat?" This question is asked so often that I have written over 40 articles on the subject. In this article I will address three of the most common questions I hear from fitness and nutrition newbie's. (If you are new to the fitness forums then don't worry, you will not be disappointed.)
First let's define the terms used. Belly fat is also known as "subcutaneous fat" or" visceral fat". The difference is that visceral fat is located deep inside the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous fat is found just below the skin. So which one do you want eliminated? Well, in the case of losing belly fat, subcutaneous fat will do just fine.
How long does it take to burn off your stomach fat depends on what type of workout program you participate in. For most people, cardio workouts is the answer to burning the fat around their stomach. It is the foundation for any fat burning program and requires that you increase your metabolism. Cardio workouts are great because they work the entire body but are particularly effective at boosting your metabolism in the stomach area.
So why does your body need extra calories? Your body needs these calories in order for you to use up the fatty tissue in your abdomen. But you also need to eat these calories in such a way that your body can get rid of them as soon as possible. If you eat less calories than you burn during your workout then your body will store some of these calories as fat in order to make room for new ones. This is why most people find it so difficult to lose weight: they eat less calories than they burn during their workouts.
To lose belly fat, you need to boost your metabolism through effective cardio training. This can be done by doing high intensity cardio like sprinting or cycling. It can also be done through resistance training. By training hard you can actually strengthen your subcutaneous fat while simultaneously building muscle mass, thereby boosting your metabolism even more.
But to burn off belly fat fast, you need to make sure that you set your calorie deficit to burn the excess calories. This means that you must burn more calories than you take in during the day. This is why it is vital to set an accurate calorie deficit: if you do not, then you will never lose weight. Your body will be constantly compensating for the shortfall in calories, so you will never get a flat stomach.
An effective ab workout should also be incorporated into your regimen. This involves full body exercises, as well as cardio and strength training. The ab muscles will receive the most benefit from these exercises. This is because the body needs to use its core in order to get the most done out of a full body workout. The ab muscles are what support the spine, pelvis, and hips. If these muscles are weak, your entire midsection is weakened, leading to belly fat loss.
So in order to reach your goals in regards to fat loss, you need to make sure that you have set up a proper diet and an effective ab workout routine. Then only will you see results. It may take time to see a substantial loss in belly fat, but it will happen. The important thing is to keep up with your plans.
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